Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jokes : New Secretary

Sebelom aku berangkat balek ke UniMAP petang nie, jom layan 1 lawak yang tak beratkan otak.
Only simple joke.. hehe..

Mr. Johnson got himself a new secretary. She was young, sweet, and very polite.

One day while taking dictation, she noticed his fly was open. When leaving the room, she said, "Mr. Johnson, your barracks door is open."

He did not understand her remark, but later on he happened to look down and saw that his zipper was open. He decided to have some fun with his secretary. Calling her in, he asked, "By the way Miss Jones, when you saw my barracks door was open this morning, did you also notice a soldier standing at attention?"

The secretary, who was quite witty replied, "Why no sir, all I saw was a little disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags."

Secretary die hot macam ni takpe la kot.. hihi ( google courtesy)

*Moral : Don't let you zipper open in front of man, but in front of women it is ok.. huh? haha



Ken Wooi said...

lol.. veteran :P

Anisa said...

selamat kembali ke kelas

AIMAN said...

pasni susah la nak tulis blog.. mesti bz.. hu

AFIIA said...

anda ditag disini

Firdaus Life said...

hahaha adoii zip2. bahaya tuu

Ain Zulaikha said...

heheheh malu je lah dia ..

Miss AZ said...

2 kali baca bru aku paham :P

Afiq Johari said...

lawak siottt .. hahaha

AIMAN said...

afiia : ok thanks.. :)

freaky : bahaya2.. jgn dok buat naa

ain : malu terok la jawabnya..haha

amirrah : hahaha.. ayat tricky kan

apeyx : hahahaa.. taw xpe

Solihin Zubir said...

ahahhaa.. baek punya secretary tu balas balik.. hehe..

AIMAN said...

tula pasal.. secretary roxss.. haha